Makoto Shinkai Might Be Coming To India

As we know about Makoto Shinkai is Japanese animator. He makes animated films and is well known for his film 'Your Name'(Kimi no Na Wa). He has recently launched a movie named 'Weathering With You'. Initially, the movie was launched in Japan But, due to Shinkai's fans are present around the world. The Indian fan community has raised its voice to release Shinkai's upcoming movie (Weathering With You) in India. The voices of Indian Otaku was heard by him and he tweeted in response to Indian about releasing Weathering With You in India. So now the movie going to be released in India in PVR cinema within certain cities.

Steps for getting tickets of Weathering With You in India:

BookMyShow Weathering With You Image

1. The tickets for the Weathering With You can be booked by using BookMyShow provided by Vkaao.

The link for the movie is provided below:-

BookMyShow: Weathering With You Link (By clicking Interested).

Survey For Weathering With You In India Image

2. For getting the movie in your own city a survey is provided so if you want movie to release in your city fill the form of survey with the name of your city. If a number of people are interested in the same city it will be released in your nearest PVR cinema. 

The link for the survey is provided below:-

Survey: Survey Link

So above are the two steps to be done for watching Weathering With You in your own region.

Shinkai coming to India:

About the Makato Shinkai coming to India, there is a 95% chance as told by the Indian youtube creator named InSaiyanTV. He said that in Delhi PVR and Delhi's japan foundation has collab to release some Japanese movie not specifically Weathering With You but, may also be another Japanese movie release. To know more about it watch the video below.  

To know more about the Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko) release in India link is provided in movie text. And I would like to know your opinion on Makoto Shinkai coming to India and Tenki no Ko in the comment section below.



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