About us

AnimeRasengan is a blog website used for providing news, stories, and opinion over different anime in order to give daily updates about what's going on in the anime community. This website will provide a huge amount of information to all anime fans all around the world.
The website even provides the listing of anime to be watched by its visitors to provide a top-notch experience in this journey of anime watching. We also provide information about greats deals over anime products within the online market. It is a website which not only focuses on anime series but, also focuses on anime-based games.
The website was launched on 6/11/19 and is individually managed and maintained by Yash Bhoir.
The readers of this website can provide us their email so that we can provide them daily updates about the posts on our website. The website also focuses on increasing the popularity and awareness about anime in India in order to make a strong Indian otaku community.


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