One Punch Man : A Hero Nobody Knowns Game Trailer Released

The game is announced for PS4 ,XBox One and PC. Firstly making a game based on the same concept of anime is difficult as this anime concept does not fit for gaming because of main character being so powerful as there are two ways to make this game
One way is to make the saitama show weaker by actually getting hurt Second way which is I guess not likely to used to make this game is to show him powerful make him kill his opponent in one punch which is actually not good for playing a game
So the developers of this game is from jump force but by watching at the trailer the graphic quality seem to be not good compared to ultimate ninja storm and my hero's one justice but,the initiative take is good to able make a game on such anime and who knows we may get better graphics of game in future.

About the Game:-

Type of Game :-  three on three brawler

Publisher : -  Bandai Namco

Characters :-  Saitama, Genos, Hellish Blizzard, Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, Mumen Rider and More



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