How will One Piece End ?

As After the Wano arc there will the remaining emperor's will Shanks and Black Beard So as hatered  goes for Black Beard Equally Hated By Shanks and Luffy So there are chances that Shanks may be the one to first fight the Black Beard but is even a probability of Luffy fighting the Black Beard as his interaction with him in the impel down and as for the fight between shanks and luffy it may be the last fight. So as the storyline further progresses the fight between luffy and akainu(sakazuki) is highly predicted and as for the mysterious island of raftel the one piece might be something worthy than just treasure and if as we know the treasure is to be founded by straw hats by using robin to to get direction to the island using poneglyph after that at the end there may the execution of the luffy after becoming the king of pirates at island of beginning and the end and the marine catches luffy might be either smoker or his friend koby. So in the end the final words of the luffy may same as previous king of pirates Gol D. Roger some mystery for rookie pirates to find out

End of Straw Hats crew members except the Brook the only living member of crew

This is only a theory based on my assumption you provide your end storyline in comments below ↓


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