Amazing Animated Movie Trailer Which Never Released ?

Name of Movie : Kuiyu Chouyuan
Animation : Chinese Animations
Studio: Dawn Studio

This movie has released two trailer and these trailer have some amazing fighting scenes powerful characters and epic soundtracks but for some reason the movie never released as most of people after watch its trailer are having a desire to watch this superb animated movie

the two trailer of movie are provided below:-

1st Trailer:-

2nd Trailer:-

There is another movie trailer which has a similar case is Fog Hill of the Five Elements:

Name of Movie : Wushan Wuxing/Fog Hill of the Five Elements
Animation : Chinese Animations
Studio: Samsara

This has a epic fight scene between fire and ice and viral over the internet for years so as we see Chinese Animation are even having great deal like Japanese animations but are not able release such amazing stuff.





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